10 Songs That Kick Start My Creativity

Well, I *almost* missed posting for Shimelle’s 10 Things on the Tenth of the Month; but I still have an hour and 1/2 left of the 10th.

As someone who is a musician, I have lots of music on my iPod. I have things in so many different genres and styles, that I would be a little nervous about people just randomly looking through my music. I mean……they may get the wrong idea about me. Or, maybe not. ๐Ÿ˜‰

So here are 10 of my current favorite songs that kick start my creativity, done backwards in Dave Letterman style. And as an aside….it was SO hard to pick just ten. AND I tried to create a playlist….. very unsuccessfully. So, if you want to listen to any of these fabulous tunes, just go to www.grooveshark.com, and plug in the title and artist. I love Grooveshark.

10. “Lights” by Ellie Goulding

9.”Wait It Out” by Imogen Heap

8. “Come Around Sundown” by The Kings of Leon

7. “Dondante” by My Morning Jacket

6. “What You Know” by Two Door Cinema Club

5.ย  “Comfortably Numb” by Pink Floyd

4. “La Valse D’Amelie” from the soundtrack to “Amelie”

3. “Smokin’ From Shootin’ by My Morning Jacket

2. “Sweet Dreams (are made of this) by Emily Browning (From the “Sucker Punch” Soundtrack).

1.”Joga” by Bjork (actually the entire selection of songs from “Bjork’s Greatest Hits”

Oh, and PS——> I am soooo excited and honored that I was added to the VERY talented design team at Punky Scraps. The challenges are awesome, and have rockin’ prizes. If you like paint, mist, and things a little bit away from the “norm”…come and punk it up with us! ๐Ÿ™‚ And thanks to my VERY wonderfulย  kind, and encouraging friend Julie for encouraging me to give the Punky Scraps call a try. ๐Ÿ™‚

Happy Weekend, Friends!



7 Comments on “10 Songs That Kick Start My Creativity”

  1. Congratulations on getting on the DT at Punky Scraps. I followed the link and I LOVE IT! Never heard of them before but I am somewhat addicted to paints, sprays and inks! My friends think I am nuts as they are all ‘clean’ scrappers LOL I shall follow with interest.

  2. Tracy says:

    Hi Amy and first congratulations at joining Punkyscraps DT!!
    Great list and Kings of leon all the way!!!

  3. em says:

    some good song choices there. I love the Ellie Goulding song too.

  4. natalie jane says:

    welcome to the team ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

    great taste in music btw xoxo

  5. Julie says:

    Congratulations Amy, so glad you tried out – it’s you down to a Tee! I think my Google Reader must be playing up, I would have missed this post if I hadn’t spotted your name in Shimelle’s linky.

  6. Hi Amy!!! Welcome to the Punky Scraps team!! swing by the facebook page and leave your info so we can all contact each other- when you can that is! LOVE everything I see here!!

  7. Congrats, Amy and love the song list! Also love your STM birthday layout! Your daughter is so beautiful!

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